Monday, April 2, 2012

This week was a very light week, and I do not have much to say about my work for this week. While I still worked for a few hours this week, I spent the week focusing on that Microsoft Word document (which I mentioned last week) of all the volumes, if they are listed on Pegasus, if I believe the library might own the St. Ignatius College original, and where the book is located within the library if it is on Pegasus and may be the original. This has been an arduous task because I am trying to keep everything concise and yet informative for future interns and other people interested in the catalogue. I have almost finished this, and I just have a few finishing touches which should hopefully be completed by the middle of the week this week.

Since the catalogue was being transcribed last week, and my semester has been periodically stressful and busy (as most students' semesters are), this Microsoft Word file was all I did for the week. I will probably spend more than 5 hours this week on this internship to get a little more progress done. I'm starting to realize that this semester has actually gone by very quickly, and there are only a few weeks left to finish up what I want to get done. I was not necessarily expecting to get a huge chunk of the catalogue done, but I had hoped to get more than I have done thus far, and I am going to try to make significantly greater progress for these last few weeks.

Anyway, sorry for the relatively boring blog post for this week. Hopefully I will have more interesting things to talk about next week when I am able to devote my energy to research instead of Word documents. Thanks for reading!

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